That Brewery Game
"Brew beer... Drink beer... Play!"
About uploading images

All labels must be approved by us, must not be offensive, must not contain copyrighted or trademark materials unless owned by you and you agree to grant us limited use (see our terms and conditions).

You may upload 1 label image for each label you own. Uploaded label images cannot be deleted, so plan your product list carefully before submitting an image. You may upload one image per paid label and one for your brewery. Label images can be used for multiple labels. Newer brewery images will replace older images.

Most images will be approved in less than 24 hours, however on rare occasions it make take up to 1-3 days for approval.

Images on this site are 216x216 pixels and you should create your image to be exactly that size. We may resize, modify, and format your uploaded image at our discretion. Final beer label images on this site will be formatted to a 216x216 pixel jpg format that is less than 10K in size, or in rare cases up to 25K. The closer you make your images to meet this criteria, the more control you will have over the final look. Images will be placed on a background color of #d1cdc1 which can be used to simulate opacity.

Images can be submitted as either png, jpg, or gif files. However all images will be reformatted to jpg as described above.

No animated images or links to images will be accepted.

As already mentioned, we may adjust your image to conform to these requirements and others in accordance with our terms and conditions.

By uploading an image you are certifying to us that you have all rights to the image. Also by uploading an image you grant us the unrestricted right to modify and display the image into perpetuity per the terms and conditions and to use the image for marketing purposes for the game.

Your existing trade marks will be respected and will not be significantly altered or used for any purpose outside the context of this game and website.

If after submission of your image/trademark you believe that our modifications are unacceptable then notify us in writing or by email within 30 days and we will either remove the image from our site or try to come to an acceptable compromise with you.

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