That Brewery Game
"Brew beer... Drink beer... Play!"
Register to play for Free!
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Why Register?
  1. It is free and there is nothing to download to play
  2. You can obtain a home brew kit and brew your own beer
  3. Get a customizable label and start your career in a garage brewery
  4. Access to the Pub to meet other brewers and beer drinkers online.
  5. Beer money that isn't spent will be saved for you to use later.
  6. You will create a username and can participate in top ten lists.
Use a Home Brew Kit to make beer!
Create a custom beer label and start your brewing career in your garage brewery!

I am...
Over 18 years old and a legal drinker where I live.

I am...
Not a brewer
Home brewer

I have read and understand the terms and conditions